How Sian overcame her biggest breastfeeding challenges

"Breastfeeding has been the most challenging thing I've ever been through, physically, mentally and emotionally. I felt bliss... then I reached my absolute lowest in self doubt and self worth... then I discovered In Shape Mummy. I thought I'd tried everything, but this helped save my Breastfeeding journey. I am now 4 months Breastfeeding, AND bottle feeding. Here's my story 💜
Before I had Carter, I couldn't have cared less about whether I breastfed my baby or bottle fed my baby. But the first time my beautiful baby boy latched on, I felt complete. It was the most incredible feeling. I was providing for my son.
It was a rough start having a premature baby that was tube fed at first, and having to express to build my supply, but Carter eventually was able to breastfeed. I never knew how much I wanted it to work until he latched on. It was beautiful.
After 3 months of being tied to the lounge, and Carter feeding hours on end, it turns out he was feeding himself tired, not actually getting what he needed from me therefore wasn't putting on any weight. But I was! Hello self doubt. "I'm not enough". "I'm his mum I should be able to provide for him but I can't". "What am I doing wrong". "Why can't I do this". "I'm getting so fat!". I had countless Lactation consultants, Nurses, and NICU Doctors trying to help me.
In the end, we HAD to introduce some formula top ups to increase Carter's weight. His health was more important than my wanting to exclusively breastfeed. So the new process to get Carter stronger was 20 minutes on 1 boob, then a formula top up. I then had to express for half an hour whilst Carter lay on the floor watching me.
It was working! It was hard, but it was working. He gained 700g in 1 week! Which beat the 170g in 4 weeks before that.
So he should be strong enough to keep Breastfeeding now right? 😊 .... Well yeah, he was. But he started rejecting my boob. He started preferring the bottle, which was easier for him so why wouldn't he.
I was heartbroken! Guttered. Devastated. I thought all this effort, all the hoping to exclusively breastfeed, all the hours expressing to keep my supply up, for my baby to be bottle fed in the end anyway?
I was practically grieving our Breastfeeding journey. I thought it was over. I made myself sick, literally. Before each feed, I'd work myself up so much about Carter maybe rejecting me, that I'd have to race to the toilet. I just wanted Carter to tell me what he wanted. I wished he could tell me "It's OK Mum. I'm happy with the bottle. I won't think any less of you".
I'd been battling Mastitis as well, and finished 2 rounds of antibiotics. Thinking there must be something wrong with my boobs, I went back to my GP hoping something was wrong I guess? But there wasn't.
I found In Shape Mummy online by this stage, and thought "well why not!? I may as well try".
Then one morning, Carter woke up early screaming. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and get him a bottle. I rolled over, got him out of his bassinet and laid him next to me and offered my boob. He latched on, put his hand on my chest and looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes and started drinking.
Wow, are these shakes working!? He's drinking! Oh my goodness wow! I felt hope for the first time in a while. I said to my husband, "I can't give this up. I just can't". But am I being selfish in persisting? Am I forcing Carter to keep going? Is this what he wants or is he really happy with the bottle? Again I wish he could just tell me. I'd do anything to make him happy. I was not OK. I wasn't leaving the house. I rejected seeing people because I was worried about what people would think when they saw I'd gained some weight. I was worried about people knowing how I felt. I felt embarrassed like I had something to prove to myself but I just didn't know what. I felt like I'd failed.
Something HAD to change. I decided just to let my body decide what was best. I stopped expressing, in the hope that Carter would feed from me enough to keep some supply for him for when he felt like my boob. But if not, if I dried up, then it wasn't meant to be. It took a lot for me to give myself permission to think that this was OK.
I was also drinking 2 In Shape Mummy shakes a day for 2 days by this stage and it was the best decision I made. A huge weight had lifted off my shoulders not having to express any more, or catch milk... because I accepted that formula was OK. Doing this alone obviously helped my supply, but these shakes clearly helped my supply increase!
Carter started wanting my boob again 💜 oh my goodness, hooray! We didn't give up. We got there in the end! We still bottle feed twice a day, but breastfeed the rest.
I'm so so grateful for where we are now, that I didn't give up on myself, and that Carter gave me a chance to be better. I feel that I'm the best Mum that I can be. It was an emotional roller coaster, but I'm stronger for it.
I've also lost 4kg in the short time I've started these shakes! Words cannot describe the thankyous that are necessary, to those that helped me through this extremely dark time. From my incredible husband holding me while I cried myself to sleep, to my mum holding Carter while I sobbed getting his bottle ready after he didn't want my boob, to my girlfriends bringing me a coffee on their days off, and to each person that reached out to me to make sure I was OK.. And In Shape Mummy shakes, THANK YOU! Lisa was extremely supportive as well when I reached out for help. I'm so grateful 💜
However you're feeding your baby, you're incredible because no matter what, you're their absolute world. I hope all you gorgeous Mummy's know that. Because I didn't for a little while there. But I do now. But if you're drowning in your Breastfeeding journey, give these shakes a go! Don't give up just yet. They work! I never knew what women went through when it came to feeding their babies. My version of it has been hard.
I ask that if you're struggling, REACH OUT FOR HELP. Don't go through it alone. You're incredibly strong, stronger than you know, and even stronger to reach out, speak up and say "I'm not OK".
Because what I've learned is that there is an army of women willing to help, willing to listen, and share their stories also. Sian 😃"
Shevi is a qualified nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and food sciences. As a new mum herself, she is passionate about postnatal-related nutrition. Shevi has worked alongside some of the most famous leaders and celebrities in the fitness industry throughout Australia and the UK.

Fast Track Your Results with the In Shape Mummy Health Shake
Many Busy Mums don't have time to cook health food and exercise ALL the time.
Great news! Now you can Fast Track Getting In Shape with our Quick, Easy and Delicious Superfood Meal Replacement, the In Shape Mummy Health Shake for Breastfeeding Mums.
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Enhanced with natural and organic herbs that have been used for centuries to Support Breastfeeding. Plus, Probiotics to help strengthen your babies immune system.
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"I'm loving it so far.. I'm already down from in weight and I feel great :) Not exaggerating when I say this is the best purchase I ever made .. can't wait to get to my first mini goal of 65kgs then set my new goal of 60kgs :) .. so far it's been life changing, thank you so much!! It has literally boosted my milk supply. I used to pump 160mls and now I average 240mls .. I've never been able to get that."
- Tania, Vic

"I've lost 35 kgs thanks to the In Shape Mummy Health Shakes. 110 kgs to 75 kgs! Juggling two little boys under 2 years old doesn't leave much time for healthy choices for Mummy and the In Shape Mummy Health Shake is such an easy solution to get all the goodness I need to keep going! My older son is 20 months and I didn't get the chance to lose the weight gained whilst carrying him before I was pregnant again with baby #2. I easily gained 40kgs across the two pregnancies and no thanks to terrible pelvic pain in pregnancy #2 wasn't able to keep active. Now that my second son is here and the pelvic pain has gone I have stuck to replacing breakfast with my shake and walking every morning for the duration of the morning sleep. Some days I will do a second shorter walk during his nap. I'm still able to enjoy yummy healthy foods and definitely do not feel like I'm going without. I no longer crave sugary foods as the shake sets me up for the day with its magical satisfying ingredients! The shake has become even more of a must since returning to work! If I thought I was busy before, life just got a whole lot busier! Now that I've lost the weight, I have more energy, zero aches and pains and have a better mood. I tell all my friends about In Shape Mummy because easy weight loss doesn't need to be a secret! Xx"
- Carly, Vic

"I discovered In Shape Mummy Health Shakes not long after my second baby was born. He has an intolerance to dairy so I was looking to find something that was safe for breastfeeding, and also vegan friendly. I have recently started a detox program with the help of a naturopath. She was so impressed with the ingredients that she has encouraged me to continue having it! In Shape Mummy has not only helped me lose the 26 kgs I put on in pregnancy, but it’s helped me nourish my body when I’ve been time poor and sleep deprived. It’s the only shake that I actually enjoy the taste of! My breakfast everyday includes ice, almond milk, water, a banana and my In Shape Mummy (my current fave is the caramel fudge!). At 11 months postpartum I feel great! And my breastfeeding journey is still going strong - my milk is in perfect supply for what Bub needs. I cannot recommend In Shape Mummy Health Shakes more highly!”
- Melanie, Vic

"I have lost over 30kg with In Shape Mummy Health Shakes, exercise and a complete diet change. I started at size 22 and am a loose size 12 at the moment… and nearly a 10! I feel so much better! With my injuries in my spine, pelvis and knee my weight loss has been the best thing for my pain.
7-8 months ago I couldn’t have even imagined I could drop this much weight! The change in my life has been insane! My advice to other mums is “stick with it and don’t give up!” Thanks so very much for your In Shape Mummy Health Shakes. They are the best thing for mums on the go and while breastfeeding as well. Words can not express how grateful I am with my weight loss. I couldn’t of started this without your shakes. My life is forever changed."
- Jess, NT