What is Weaning and When do you Start?

Weaning refers to the process of stopping breastfeeding. Some mothers choose to wean their babies from breastmilk and transition to formula. Whereas others wait until their little one no longer requires milk feeds. Weaning from breastmilk often coincides with returning to work, as being away from bub makes it hard to keep up the feeds.
Although it’s uncommon, some little ones self-wean. And on the other hand, some bubs refuse to take a bottle, making the weaning process incredibly difficult. So, it really comes down to when mum and bub are both ready.
It’s important to remember that weaning from breastmilk will be a huge transition for your little one and yourself. So, have a plan and take it slowly. Allow yourself and your little one time to get used to this significant change. Offer plenty of extra cuddles and be kind to yourself. Many hormone changes occur when we stop breastfeeding, so don’t be shocked if you feel a little low for a few days.
There is one thing all mothers can do postpartum, that doesn’t take a lot of time, money, or effort but will make a world of difference. And that’s having a solid nutrition plan, one that will nourish you back to health post-birth. This article will look at how you can nurture your body and recover from pregnancy and labour by focusing on what you eat.
How to Wean a Baby
The World Health Organisation recommends exclusively breastfeeding for at least the first six months of an infant’s life. After this, it’s recommended to continue breastfeeding, along with the consumption of solids for two years.
The current recommendation for introducing solids is six months of age. Experts believe six months is when babies are physically and mentally ready to begin eating food. But, learning to eat takes time, and, likely, your little one will still require milk feeds for a few more months. So, if bubs is between the ages of 6 and 8 months, formula in the form of bottles is likely the best option. Alternatively, you can offer a cup from around 7-8 months.
If your little one is older than 12 months, you can go straight to cow’s milk rather than formula. In addition, you should opt for an open cup at 12 months, as extended bottle use beyond this age is associated with improper dental development and delayed feeding skills.
Babies breastfeed for a wide range of reasons besides from nutrition. One of the main reasons is for comfort and to feel safe. Babies love to snuggle into their mums and are soothed by the familiar smells. So, there’s a big chance that bub might be reluctant to transition to bottle feeding. You must allow enough time to make the transition gradually.
Start by swapping the feed that they are least interested in. This is usually a mid-morning or afternoon feed. Start replacing one of these feeds with a bottle for at least a few days, and then gradually replace another feed and so on. Generally, the night-time feeds are the hardest when bubs crave closeness and comfort the most, so you might want to tackle the night feeds last.
However, if you’re desperate for a full night’s sleep, you might want to do it in reverse. It’s important to do what works for you and your family. And with a little patience and persistence, you’ll be sure to figure it out.
How to Wean From Breastfeeding Safely
It’s not only important to take weaning slowly for the sake of little ones, but also for the Mumma. If you stop breastfeeding too quickly it can lead to engorgement, blocked milk ducts, or mastitis. This is because your body is making more milk than your little one is drinking, and it will take some time for your milk production to adjust.
To avoid engorgement, blocked ducts, and mastitis, try not to let your breasts become too full. If you’re skipping a feed, hand express a small amount of milk so that your breasts soften. This will signal your breast to make less milk, which will help to reduce your milk gradually.
If you find your breasts are a little lumpy you can gently massage them. Do so by gently brushing your palm across your breast in the direction of your nipple. Be very careful not to push too hard, it should be a light motion.
Can I Still Have In Shape Mummy Health Shakes When Breastfeeding?
It's absolutely okay to continue drinking In Shape Mummy health shakes once you've stopped breastfeeding. The shakes are full of so much goodness, including over 25 essential vitamins and minerals and over 12g of protein, so we understand why women don't want to give them up. However, we recommend ceasing the shakes while weaning, as you need to give your body time to stop producing milk.
Each In Shape Mummy breastfeeding shake contains galactagogues, herbs and foods used to support milk production. Our shakes contain two of the most potent galactagogues, milk thistle and fenugreek. And it's the main reason why the women using our shakes have some much success when it comes to breastfeeding.
We understand it's hard to give up something you love, even if it's just for a little while. And that's why we have an alternative shake, The In Shape Mummy Health Shake for Busy Mums. It contains the same goodness as our breastfeeding shake, including organic vegan protein, 25 essential vitamins and minerals, probiotics, and organic superfoods. But it doesn't contain the milk boosting herbs you'll find in the breastfeeding shake. It's a fantastic alternative for anyone who is weaning or has reached the end of their breastfeeding journey
Essential Things to Remember When Weaning
- Take it slow: It’s a huge transition for you and your little one, don’t stop or change what you’re doing too abruptly. Make gradual changes, and don’t forget the extra cuddles.
- Please don’t feel pressure to wean: Many women decide to stop breastfeeding because their friends or mothers' group members have decided to wean. The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding for at least two years, so if your lifestyle and commitments allow it and it’s working for your family, there’s no reason to stop before this.
- Remember to be easy on yourself: many hormonal changes occur while weaning, so maybe keep a little choccy on hand.
Shevi is a qualified nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and food sciences. As a new mum herself, she is passionate about postnatal-related nutrition. Shevi has worked alongside some of the most famous leaders and celebrities in the fitness industry throughout Australia and the UK.

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Many Busy Mums don't have time to cook health food and exercise ALL the time.
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"I'm loving it so far.. I'm already down from in weight and I feel great :) Not exaggerating when I say this is the best purchase I ever made .. can't wait to get to my first mini goal of 65kgs then set my new goal of 60kgs :) .. so far it's been life changing, thank you so much!! It has literally boosted my milk supply. I used to pump 160mls and now I average 240mls .. I've never been able to get that."
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"I've lost 35 kgs thanks to the In Shape Mummy Health Shakes. 110 kgs to 75 kgs! Juggling two little boys under 2 years old doesn't leave much time for healthy choices for Mummy and the In Shape Mummy Health Shake is such an easy solution to get all the goodness I need to keep going! My older son is 20 months and I didn't get the chance to lose the weight gained whilst carrying him before I was pregnant again with baby #2. I easily gained 40kgs across the two pregnancies and no thanks to terrible pelvic pain in pregnancy #2 wasn't able to keep active. Now that my second son is here and the pelvic pain has gone I have stuck to replacing breakfast with my shake and walking every morning for the duration of the morning sleep. Some days I will do a second shorter walk during his nap. I'm still able to enjoy yummy healthy foods and definitely do not feel like I'm going without. I no longer crave sugary foods as the shake sets me up for the day with its magical satisfying ingredients! The shake has become even more of a must since returning to work! If I thought I was busy before, life just got a whole lot busier! Now that I've lost the weight, I have more energy, zero aches and pains and have a better mood. I tell all my friends about In Shape Mummy because easy weight loss doesn't need to be a secret! Xx"
- Carly, Vic

"I discovered In Shape Mummy Health Shakes not long after my second baby was born. He has an intolerance to dairy so I was looking to find something that was safe for breastfeeding, and also vegan friendly. I have recently started a detox program with the help of a naturopath. She was so impressed with the ingredients that she has encouraged me to continue having it! In Shape Mummy has not only helped me lose the 26 kgs I put on in pregnancy, but it’s helped me nourish my body when I’ve been time poor and sleep deprived. It’s the only shake that I actually enjoy the taste of! My breakfast everyday includes ice, almond milk, water, a banana and my In Shape Mummy (my current fave is the caramel fudge!). At 11 months postpartum I feel great! And my breastfeeding journey is still going strong - my milk is in perfect supply for what Bub needs. I cannot recommend In Shape Mummy Health Shakes more highly!”
- Melanie, Vic

"I have lost over 30kg with In Shape Mummy Health Shakes, exercise and a complete diet change. I started at size 22 and am a loose size 12 at the moment… and nearly a 10! I feel so much better! With my injuries in my spine, pelvis and knee my weight loss has been the best thing for my pain.
7-8 months ago I couldn’t have even imagined I could drop this much weight! The change in my life has been insane! My advice to other mums is “stick with it and don’t give up!” Thanks so very much for your In Shape Mummy Health Shakes. They are the best thing for mums on the go and while breastfeeding as well. Words can not express how grateful I am with my weight loss. I couldn’t of started this without your shakes. My life is forever changed."
- Jess, NT