Best Lactation Cookie Recipes: How To Make Lactation Cookies

Attention all Breastfeeding Mums: Look no further; the lactation cookie recipe you’ve been searching for is here. These no-bake lactation cookies are deliciously sweet, healthy, and, most importantly, jam-packed with galactagogues (foods that are said to help breastfeeding women to produce milk).

The best thing about these cookies is they take less than 10 minutes to make and they last for up to a week if stored in an airtight container in the fridge. 

Our tip is always to keep some on hand. That way, if you have a hectic morning and miss out on breakfast or if hunger pains strike during a busy night of feeding, you know you have a healthy snack you can grab.

How Do Lactation Cookies Work?

Lactation Cookies include special ingredients called galactagogues, which are associated with increased breastmilk supply.

Galactagogues are said to work by increasing the level of prolactin in the body. Prolactin is one of the hormones involved in milk production. Taking galactagogues signals your body to increase prolactin and therefore increase milk production1.

Another consideration is the extra nutrients and energy required by breastfeeding mothers. Your nutrient requirements are higher when you are breastfeeding as you are supporting yourself and your baby. Our lactation cookies are a nutrient dense snack and are a convenient way to get a quick and healthy bite when you don’t have any free hands to cook a full meal!

What Are In Lactation Cookies?

Some common galactagogues include flaxseed meal, oats, almonds and milk thistle. All these foods are included in our lactation cookie recipe, making them a little bite-sized powerhouse of milk-making magic.

Be aware of other lactation cookies that can be loaded with processed sugar, white flour and preservatives. These are not ideal ingredients if you are trying to manage your weight as well. Our lactation cookie recipes are a healthier alternative as they are made with wholesome natural ingredients including honey and oats.

Importance of Protein in Lactation Cookies

The protein content is one thing to look out for in a lactation cookie recipe. Breastfeeding women require 20% more daily protein than non-breastfeeding women. This is because protein plays a significant role in breast milk production, and if you aren’t getting enough, you may notice a dip in your milk supply. These cookies are a good source of protein.

How to Make Lactation Cookies

No-bake lactation cookies are quick and easy to make and only require one bowl for preparation. "Yay" to hardly any washing up! Our lactation cookie recipe is also dairy and egg free, making them an excellent option for vegan mums or women who need to avoid specific allergens.

Vanilla Lactation Cookie Bites Recipe


  • ½ cup peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1/3 cup honey, rice malt syrup or maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • ¾ cup oats
  • 1/3 cup desiccated coconut (optional)
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed meal
  • 5 tbsp Vanilla  In Shape Mummy Health Shake Mix


1. In a medium-sized bowl, mix the nut butter, honey and olive oil.

2. Next, stir through the rolled oats, dedicated coconut, flaxseed meal and In Shape Mummy Health Shake.

3. Roll the mixture into 10-12 cookies and lightly dust them with desiccated coconut. Each cookie should be about 1 tbsp of mixture.

Chocolate Lactation Cookie Bites Recipe - Ingredients (follow the same method as vanilla)



Salted Caramel Lactation Cookie Bites Recipe – Ingredients (follow the same method as vanilla)


  • ½ cup peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1/3 cup honey, rice malt syrup or maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • ¾ cup oats
  • 1/3 cup desiccated coconut (optional)
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed meal
  • 5 tbsp Caramel Fudge In Shape Mummy Health Shake Mix

Other things to help lactation

Health is holistic, so, in addition to consuming lactation cookies, there are some other methods you should incorporate if you want to boost your milk supply:

Try Feeding or Pumping More Often:

The number one way to increase your supply is to nurse more often. Our breasts produce milk in response to demand. So, you will naturally increase your milk supply by feeding more, expressing more, or combining both. Feed on demand rather than by a schedule to increase milk supply.

Increase Skin-To-Skin Time:

Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for milk ejection, and spending time stripping down and making skin contact is one of the most powerful ways to trigger this hormone to increase milk supply.

Take care of yourself: 

Your energy requirements are higher when you're breastfeeding. Your baby is relying on you for 100% of their nutrition. So, you need to try to eat enough healthy food and not skip meals. Aim for a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high protein foods and good sources of healthy fats. Drink plenty of water and rest (as much as you can).

If you have a low supply, then the first thing to do is to get help to find out why. A lactation consultant can help. Then take steps to improve how you are breastfeeding and/or expressing. Adding a galactagogue may then help to speed up the process.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is In Shape Mummy Health Shake Mix?

In Shape Mummy is a breastfeeding specific health shake which is jam-packed with Organic Vegan Protein, 25 Vitamins & Minerals and Probiotics to help you get the nutrition you need for breastfeeding. It is enhanced with Natural and Organic Milk Thistle, Flaxseeds and Superfoods which have been used for centuries to support breastfeeding.

Not only can you include the In Shape Mummy Health Shake in your lactation cookie recipes, but you can also add it to your smoothies to make a high protein, breakfast, lunch for snack that supports your milk supply as well as helping you to manage weight.

The Pros and Cons of Lactation Cookies

Like with any snack there will be pros and cons. However, the pros of these lactation cookies far out way the cons.

Pros of Lactation Cookies

  1. Help to increase milk supply: thanks to the galactagogues and protein, these lactation cookies positively support your milk supply.
  2. Help to increase nutrient intake: breastfeeding mums need to ensure they are eating enough for their milk supply. It is important that what you eat is healthy. When we don’t have time to cook elaborate breakfasts and lunches, healthy snacks can be an easier way to ensure you are eating enough. Having two lactation cookies throughout the day will help you to get your calorie intake up while at the same time helping to stabilise your blood sugar levels.
  3. They’ll Stop You from Eating Junk Food: Our lactation cookies contain nut butter, honey and coconut, so they’re lovely and sweet but without added sugar. They’ll curb sugar cravings and help you avoid junk food that’s full of artificial sugar and preservatives.


Cons of Lactation Cookies:

  1. You could exceed your daily calorie requirements. If you’re already consuming enough calories per day, introducing lactation cookies could cause you to exceed your recommended calorie intake, leading to weight gain. Ensure you stick to two per day and try not to have too many other treats in the house.
  2. Unfortunately, many store bought pre-made lactation cookies come loaded with refined sugars or sweeteners, white flour and preservatives that can do more harm than good. Suppose you’re snacking on lactation cookies and other store-bought treats, your sugar intake may exceed the daily recommendation. This can cause your blood sugar levels to go on a roller coaster ride. Overeating sugar can cause peaks and dips in our energy and generally leave us feeling sluggish and a bit miserable. The good news is that you can make our delicious and healthy no-bake lactation cookies to help you stay on track with your health goals at the same time as supporting your milk supply. 
  3. You Don’t Like Baking: We developed the no-bake lactation cookies so that even least-keen bakers can still enjoy these goodies. However, we have an alternative for those who don’t even want to step foot in a kitchen. In Shape Mummy has a range of snacks designed to nourish breastfeeding women and support milk production. All In Shape Mummy products are 100% vegan and natural and do not contain any dairy/lactose, soy, preservatives or processed sugar. Head to to try the delicious and healthy breastfeeding-specific snack range.

What are in Lactation Cookies?

Lactation cookies are what their name suggests- cookies that support lactation. Lactation Cookies include special ingredients called galactagogues, which are associated with increased breastmilk supply.

Do Lactation Cookies Work?

There isn’t conclusive research to confirm that lactation cookies work to increase milk supply. However there is plenty of anecdotal evidence and many mothers have reported great success.

Also keep in mind, everyone is different and what works for one mum may not work for another mum.

Even if eating the cookies don’t increase your milk supply, rest assure that you are fuelling your body with a nutritious and healthy snack to nourish your body.

How Long Does it Take for Lactation Cookies to work?

Every mother is different. Most mums notice a difference by day 2 of consuming lactation cookies. It’s likely that enjoying 1-2 per day consistently would give you the best chance at seeing a boost in milk supply.

The most effective way to get a good milk supply going and then keep it up is to breastfeed or express often. The more milk that is removed from your breasts (and the more often), the more milk you will make. The less milk that is removed, the less milk you will make. This is known as the supply and demand basis of breastfeeding.

Combine this tactic with lactation cookies for the best results.

If you have a low supply, then the first thing to do is to get help to find out why. Then take steps to improve how you are breastfeeding and/or expressing.

Adding a galactagogue like lactation cookies may then help to speed up the process.  


When to Start Eating Lactation Cookies? 

You can start eating lactation cookies as soon after birth as you feel ready.

Shevi is a qualified nutritionist with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and food sciences. As a mum of a baby and a toddler herself, she is passionate about postnatal-related nutrition. Shevi has worked alongside some of the most famous leaders and celebrities in the fitness industry throughout Australia and the UK.

No Time to Make lactation Cookies? Try these Delicious Ready Make Breastfeeding Boost Snacks!

Fast Track Your Results with the In Shape Mummy Health Shake

Many Busy Mums don't have time to cook health food and exercise ALL the time.

Great news! Now you can Fast Track Getting In Shape with our Quick, Easy and Delicious Superfood Meal Replacement, the In Shape Mummy Health Shake for Breastfeeding Mums.

Support your Breastfeeding Journey and Energy while you Lose Weight. Look and Feel Your Best with our Premium blend of Organic Pea & Brown Rice Protein, 25 Vitamins & Minerals, Probiotics plus Organic Superfoods.

Enhanced with natural and organic milk thistle, flaxseeds and superfoods that have been used for centuries to by Breastfeeding Mums

Curb cravings with 3 delicious flavours: chocolate brownie, vanilla and caramel fudge.

100% Breastfeeding & Vegan Friendly. Contains NO Artificial Nasties, NO Soy, NO Dairy, NO Gluten & NO Caffeine. Made in Australia.

Enjoy as the Quickest and Easiest Healthy Meal!

FREE 12-Week Healthy Weight Loss Support Program worth $168 with first shake purchase.


"I'm loving it so far.. I'm already down from in weight and I feel great :)  Not exaggerating when I say this is the best purchase I ever made .. can't wait to get to my first mini goal of 65kgs then set my new goal of 60kgs :) .. so far it's been life changing, thank you so much!! It has literally boosted my milk supply. I used to pump 160mls and now I average 240mls .. I've never been able to get that."

- Tania, Vic

Tanya lost 10kgs


"I've lost 35 kgs thanks to the In Shape Mummy Health Shakes. 110 kgs to 75 kgs! Juggling two little boys under 2 years old doesn't leave much time for healthy choices for Mummy and the In Shape Mummy Health Shake is such an easy solution to get all the goodness I need to keep going! My older son is 20 months and I didn't get the chance to lose the weight gained whilst carrying him before I was pregnant again with baby #2. I easily gained 40kgs across the two pregnancies and no thanks to terrible pelvic pain in pregnancy #2 wasn't able to keep active. Now that my second son is here and the pelvic pain has gone I have stuck to replacing breakfast with my shake and walking every morning for the duration of the morning sleep. Some days I will do a second shorter walk during his nap. I'm still able to enjoy yummy healthy foods and definitely do not feel like I'm going without. I no longer crave sugary foods as the shake sets me up for the day with its magical satisfying ingredients! The shake has become even more of a must since returning to work! If I thought I was busy before, life just got a whole lot busier! Now that I've lost the weight, I have more energy, zero aches and pains and have a better mood. I tell all my friends about In Shape Mummy because easy weight loss doesn't need to be a secret! Xx"

- Carly, Vic

Carly lost 35kgs


"I discovered In Shape Mummy Health Shakes not long after my second baby was born. He has an intolerance to dairy so I was looking to find something that was safe for breastfeeding, and also vegan friendly. I have recently started a detox program with the help of a naturopath. She was so impressed with the ingredients that she has encouraged me to continue having it! In Shape Mummy has not only helped me lose the 26 kgs I put on in pregnancy, but it’s helped me nourish my body when I’ve been time poor and sleep deprived. It’s the only shake that I actually enjoy the taste of! My breakfast everyday includes ice, almond milk, water, a banana and my In Shape Mummy (my current fave is the caramel fudge!). At 11 months postpartum I feel great! And my breastfeeding journey is still going strong - my milk is in perfect supply for what Bub needs. I cannot recommend In Shape Mummy Health Shakes more highly!” 

Melanie, Vic

Melanie lost 26kgs


"I have lost over 30kg with In Shape Mummy Health Shakes, exercise and a complete diet change. ⁠⁠ I started at size 22 and am a loose size 12 at the moment… and nearly a 10! ⁠I feel so much better! With my injuries in my spine, pelvis and knee my weight loss has been the best thing for my pain. ⁠
7-8 months ago I couldn’t have even imagined I could drop this much weight! The change in my life has been insane! ⁠ My advice to other mums is “stick with it and don’t give up!” ⁠ Thanks so very much for your In Shape Mummy Health Shakes. They are the best thing for mums on the go and while breastfeeding as well. Words can not express how grateful I am with my weight loss. I couldn’t of started this without your shakes. My life is forever changed." ⁠

Jess, NT

Jess lost 30kgs